An Empirical Evaluation of the Compliance of Game-Network Providers with Data-Protection Law
Thorben Burghardt, Klemens Böhm, Markus Korte, Simon Bohnen
Proceedings of the International Conference on Trust Management (IFIPTM '11)
Tackling Compliance Deficits of Data-Protection Law with User Collaboration – a Feasibility Demonstration with Human Participants
Thorben Burghardt, Erik Buchmann, Klemens Böhm, Jürgen Kühling, Simon Bohnen, Anastasios Sivridis
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC '10)
Search-Log Anonymization and Advertisement: Are They Mutually Exclusive?
Thorben Burghardt, Klemens Böhm, Achim Guttmann, Chris Clifton
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '10)
Understanding User Preferences and Awareness: Privacy Mechanisms in Location-Based Services
Thorben Burghardt, Erik Buchmann, Jens Müller, and Klemens Böhm
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS '09), Vilamoura, November 2009
Indirect Reciprocity in Policy-Based Helping Experiments
Christian von der Weth, Klemens Böhm, Thorben Burghardt, Christian Hütter, Jing Zhi Yue
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE European Conference on Web Services (ESOWS' 09), Eindhoven, Netherlands, November 2009
A Study on the Lack of Enforcement of Data Protection Acts
Thorben Burghardt, Klemens Böhm, Erik Buchmann, Jürgen Kühling, Anastasios Sivridis
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on e-Democracy 2009
Collaborative Search And User Privacy: How Can They Be Reconciled?
Thorben Burghardt, Erik Buchmann, Klemens Böhm, and Chris Clifton
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom), Orlando, 2008
Why do Privacy-Enhancement Mechanisms Fail, After All: A Survey on both the Users and the Provider Perspective
Thorben Burghardt, Erik Buchmann and Klemens Böhm
Workshop W2Trust, in conjunction with IFIPTM, Trondheim, June 2008
Discovering the Scope of Privacy Needs in Collaborative Search (short paper)
Thorben Burghardt, Erik Buchmann, and Klemens Böhm.
Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Sydney, December 2008.
PRIMO – Towards Privacy Aware Image Sharing
Thorben Burghardt, Andreas Walter, and Erik Buchmann.
CISWSN in Conjunction with IEEE/WIC/ACM Conference on Web Intelligence, Sydney, December 2008.
Journal Article
Anonymous Search Histories Featuring Personalized Advertisement - Balancing Privacy with Economic Interests
Thorben Burghardt, Klemens Böhm, Achim Guttmann, Chris Clifton
Transactions on Data Privacy 4:1 (2011) 31 - 50
Das datenschutzrechtliche Vollzugsdefizit im Bereich der Telemedien - ein Schreckensbericht
Jürgen Kühling, Anastasios Sivridis, Mathis Schwuchow, Thorben Burghardt
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DUD), 06/2009
Re-Identification of Smart Meter Data
Erik Buchmann, Klemens Böhm, Thorben Burghardt, Martin Heine, Stephan Kessler
Special Issue "Electronic Memories and Life Logging", Personal Ubiquitous Computing
Technical Report
The Service Game: A Policy based Helping Game
Christian von der Weth, Klemens Böhm, Thorben Burghardt, Christian Hütter, Jing Zhi Yue
Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 2009
Computers, Privacy & Data Protection, 5th Int. Conf., Multidisciplinary Privacy Award for paper "Tackling Compliance Deficits of Data-Protection Law with User Collaboration – a Feasibility Demonstration with Human Participants", 2012
Seminar Kollaborative Datenschutzmechanismen
Praktikum Verteilte Datenhaltung
Seminar Datenschutz und Gesellschaft
Seminar Datenschutz und Gesellschaft
Praktikum Verteilte Datenhaltung
Seminar Datenschutz und Gesellschaft
Seminar Workflowmodellierung, Workflow-Mining und Identitäsmanagement
Praktikum Datenbankpraktikum
Seminar Aktuelle Herausforderungen an Datenschutz und Datensicherheit in modernen Informationssystemen