Summer Term 2015
- Vorlesung "Informationssysteme" an der Universität des Saarlandes
Winter Term 2014/2015
- Praxis der Forschung: Storage and Analysis Techniques for Very Large Data (Part 2)
Summer Term 2014
- Praxis der Forschung: Storage and Analysis Techniques for Very Large Data (Part 1)
- Vorlesung Datenschutz und Privatheit in vernetzten Informationssystemen
- Proseminar Herausforderungen für Datenmanagement und Datenschutz im Smart Grid
- Seminar Maße und Methoden für den Datenschutz im Smart Grid
Summer Term 2013
- Vorlesung Datenschutz und Privatheit in vernetzten Informationssystemen
- Seminar und Proseminar Maße und Methoden für den Datenschutz im Smart Grid
- Vorlesung an der TU Kaiserslautern Datenschutz in Informations- und Kommunikationssystemen
Summer Term 2012
- Vorlesung Datenschutz und Privatheit in vernetzten Informationssystemen
- Seminar und Proseminar Anonymitätsmaße und Datenanalyse am Beispiel des Smart Grid
Winter Term 2011/2012
Summer Term 2011
- Vorlesung Datenschutz und Privatheit in vernetzten Informationssystemen
- Seminar Die vernetzte Gesellschaft: Von Datenschutz bis Datenanalyse
Summer Term 2010
Winter Term 2009/2010
Summer Term 2009
- Vorlesung Datenschutz und Privatheit in vernetzten Informationssystemen
- Seminar in Kooperation mit dem ZAK Datenschutz und Gesellschaft
Winter Term 2008/2009
- Vorlesung Verteilte Datenhaltung
- Seminar in Kooperation mit dem ZAK Datenschutz und Gesellschaft
Summer Term 2008
- Seminar in Kooperation mit dem ZAK Datenschutz und Gesellschaft
- Praktikum Programmierwettbewerb Sensor-Datenbanken
Winter Term 2007/2008
- Vorlesung Informations- und Wissensmanagement
- Vorlesung in Kooperation mit dem FZI Informationsintegration und Webportale
- Ringvorlesung Selbstorganisierende Sensor-Aktor-Netzwerke
Summer Term 2007
- Vorlesung Kommunikation und Datenhaltung
- Seminar Datenschutz und Datensicherheit in modernen Informationssystmen
59 publikations in total.
32 publications on conferences, including KDD (acceptance ratio 10%), VLDB (16%), SIGMOD (16%) and ICDE (17%).
- BUCHMANN, Erik; HÖPFNER, Hagen; SATTLER, Kai-Uwe: An Extensible Storage Manager for Mobile DBMS. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Baltic Conference on DB and IS (BalticDB&IS'02), 2002
- BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Effizientes Routing in verteilten skalierbaren Datenstrukturen. In: Tagungsband der 10. GI-Fachtagung für Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW'03), 2003
- BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: FairNet - How to Counter Free Riding in Peer-to-Peer Data Structures. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'04), 2004
- BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: How to Run Experiments with Large Peer-to-Peer Data Structures. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'04), 2004
- RÖSCH, Philipp; WETH, Christan von d.; SATTLER, Kai-Uwe; BUCHMANN, Erik: Verteilte Anfrageverarbeitung in DHT-basierten P2P-Systemen. In: Tagungsband der 12. GIFachtagung für Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW'05), 2005
- REIDEMEISTER, Thomas; BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; WARD, Paul: Malicious Behaviour in Content-Addressable Peer-to-Peer Networks. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR'05), 2005
- BUCHMANN, Erik; APEL, Sven: Piggyback Meta-Data Propagation in Distributed Hash Tables. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST'05), 2005
- BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens; WETH, Christan von d.: Towards Truthful Feedback in P2P Data Structures. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'06), 2006
- BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens; RAABE, Oliver: Privacy2.0: Towards Collaborative Data-Privacy Protection. In:Proceedings of the 2nd Joint iTrust and PST Conferences on Privacy, Trust Management and Security (IFIPTM'08), 2008
- HÖPFNER, Hagen; BUCHMANN, Erik: Towards Reducing the Complexity of Query Trees. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT'08), 2008
- BENENSON, Zinaida; BESTEHORN, Markus; BUCHMANN, Erik; FREILING, Felix; JAWUREK, Marek: Query Dissemination with Predictable Reachability and Energy Usage in Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on AD-HOC Networks and Wireless (ADHOC-NOW'08), 2008
- CHAVES, Leonardo Weiss F.; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: TagMark: Reliable Estimations of RFID Tags for Business Processes. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'08), 2008
- BURGHARDT, Thorben; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Discovering the Scope of Privacy Needs in Collaborative Search. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'08), 2008
- BURGHARDT, Thorben; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens; CLIFTON, Chris: Collaborative Search And User Privacy: How Can They Be Reconciled? In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom' 08), 2008
- STERN, Mirco; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Towards Efficient Processing of General-Purpose Joins in Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'09), 2009
- CHAVES, Leonardo Weiss F.; BUCHMANN, Erik; HÜSKE, Fabian; BÖHM, Klemens: Optimizing Complex, Distributed Database Transactions using Materialized Views. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Extending Database Technologies (EDBT'09), 2009
- STERN, Mirco; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: A Wavelet Transform for Efficient Consolidation of Sensor Relations with Quality Guarantees. In: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'09), 2009
- BURGHARDT, Thorben; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens; KÜHLING, Jürgen; SIVRIDIS, Anastasios: A Study on the Lack of Enforcement of Data Protection Acts. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on e-Democracy, 2009
- HEIDINGER, Clemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Towards Collaborative Web-based Impact Assessment. In:Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o'09), 2009
- BURGHARDT, Thorben; BUCHMANN, Erik; MÜLLER, Jens; BÖHM, Klemens: Understanding User Preferences and Awareness: Privacy Mechanisms in Location-Based Services. In:Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'09), 2009
- STERN, Mirco; BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik: Processing Continuous Join Queries in Sensor Networks: a Filtering Approach. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD'10), 2010
- CHAVES, Leonardo Weiss F.; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: RPCV: RFID Planogram Compliance Verification. In:Proceedings of the International Conference on Extending Database Technologies (EDBT'10), 2010
- BESTEHORN, Markus; BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; KESSLER, Stephan: Energy-Efficient Processing of Spatio- Temporal Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL'10), 2010
- BESTEHORN, Markus; BÖHM, Klemens; BRADLEY, Patrick; BUCHMANN, Erik: Deriving Spatio-Temporal Query Results in Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDM'10), 2010
- HEIDINGER, Clemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; HUBER, Matthias; BÖHM, Klemens; MÜLLER-QUADE, Jörn: Privacy-Aware Folksonomies. In: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL'10), 2010
- BURGHARDT, Thorben; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens; KÜHLING, Jürgen; BOHNEN, Simon; SIVRIDIS, Anastasios: Tackling Compliance Deficits of Data-Protection Law with User Collaboration. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC'10), 2010
- BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: How Much do Digital Natives Disclose on the Internet - A Privacy Study. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics (SOTICS'12), 2012
- BUCHMANN, Erik; KESSLER, Stephan; JOCHEM, Patrick; BÖHM, Klemens: The Costs of Privacy in Local Energy Markets. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI'13), 2013 (paper)
- HEIDINGER, Clemens; BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; RICHTER, Kai: FACTS: A Framework for Anonymity towards Comparability, Transparency, and Sharing. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'14), 2014 (paper)
- EFROS, Pavel; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: FRESCO: A Framework for the Energy Estimation of Computers. In: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI'14), 2014
- EFROS, Pavel; BUCHMANN, Erik; ENGLHARDT, Adrian; BÖHM, Klemens: How to Quantify the Impact of Lossy Transformations on Change Detection. To appear in: Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), 2015
- KESSLER, Stephan; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Deploying and Evaluating Pufferfish Privacy for Smart Meter Data To appear in: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC) , 2015
Eight workshop publications, including WDAS and PAIS.
- BUCHMANN, Erik: Konzeption eines Speichermanagers für leichtgewichtige, mobile DBMS. In: Tagungsband des 14. GIWorkshops "Grundlagen von Datenbanken", CS-01-02/2002
- SATTLER, Kai-Uwe; RÖSCH, Philipp; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: A Physical Query Algebra for DHT-based P2P Systems. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures (WDAS'04), 2004
- SATTLER, Kai-Uwe; RÖSCH, Philipp; WETH, Christan von d.; BUCHMANN, Erik: Best Effort Query Processing in DHT-based P2P Systems. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Networking Meets Databases (NetDB'05), 2005
- BURGHARDT, Thorben; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Why Do Privacy-Enhancement Mechanisms Fail, After All? In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web 2.0 Trust (W2Trust'08), 2008
- STERN, Mirco; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Where in the Sensor Network Should the Join Be Computed, After All? In: Proceedings of the First Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery Workshop (UKD'08), 2008
- BURGHARDT, Thorben; WALTER, Andreas; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: PRIMO - Towards Privacy Aware Image Sharing. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Collective Intelligence in Semantic Web and Social Networks (CISWSN'08), 2008
- HEIDINGER, Clemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Collaborative Data Privacy for the Web. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in the Information Society (PAIS'10), 2010
- MERRILL, Shawn; BASALP, Nilgün; BISKUP, Joachim; BUCHMANN, Erik; CLIFTON, Chris; KUIJPERS, Bart; OTHMAN, Walied; SAVAS, Erkay: Privacy through Uncertainty in Location-Based Services. To appear in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Privacy and Security for Moving Objects (PriSMO'13), 2013
12 journal publications, including the VJDB journal (Impact-Factor 4,5).
- APEL, Sven; BUCHMANN, Erik: Biology-Inspired Optimizations of Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. In: Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), Bd. 28(4/05), 2005
- BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik: Free Riding-Aware Forwarding in Content-Addressable Networks. In: International Journal on Very Large Data Bases, Januar 2006
- BESTEHORN, Markus; BENENSON, Zinaida; BUCHMANN, Erik; JAWUREK, Marek; BÖHM, Klemens; FREILING, Felix: Query Dissemination in Sensor Networks - Predicting Reachability and Energy Consumption. In: Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, 2009
- BESTEHORN, Markus; WETH, Christan von d.; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Fault-tolerant Query Processing in Structured P2P-Systems. In: Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal, 1/28, 2010
- ORWAT, Carsten u. a.: Software als Institution und ihre Gestaltbarkeit. In: Informatik-Spektrum 33, Nr. 6/2010
- BUCHMANN, Erik: Anonymitätsmaße für Personendaten. In: Zeitschrift für Datenrecht und Informationssicherheit, 11(4), 2011
- BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens; BURGHARDT, Thorben; KESSLER, Stephan: Re-Identification of Smart Meter Data. In: International Journal on Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC), 17(4), 2013 (paper)
- KESSLER, Stephan; BUCHMANN, Erik; BURGHARDT, Thorben; BÖHM, Klemens: Pattern-sensitive Time-series Anonymization and its Application to Energy-Consumption Data In: Open Journal of Information Systems (OJIS), 1(1), 2014
- BUCHMANN, Erik; BRADLEY; Patrick Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Deriving Bounds on the Size of Spatial Areas. In: Open Journal of Databases (OJDB), 2(1), 2015 (paper)
- LAFORET, Fabian; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Individual Privacy Constraints on Time-Series Data. To appear in: Information Systems (IS), 2015
- BUCHMANN, Erik: Wie kann man Privatheit messen? In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), 2015 (paper)
- OSSNER, Christopher; BUCHMANN, Erik, BÖHM, Klemens: Identifying Defective Nodes in Sensor Networks. To appear in: Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal.
Book Chapters
Three contributions, including the GI special issue: "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen".
- BUCHMANN, Erik: Trust Mechanisms and Reputation Systems. In: Algorithms for Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks, Bd. 4621, Springer, 2007
- BUCHMANN, Erik: Erkennung und Vermeidung von unkooperativem Verhalten in Peer-to-Peer-Datenstrukturen. In: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen, D-7/2006
- BUCHMANN, Erik: Data Privacy in Novel Ubiquitous Computing Applications. In: Emerging Research Directions in Computer Science, 2010
Three workshop proceedings, one special issue of the DAPD journal (Impact-Factor 0,9).
- BUCHMANN, Erik; ZADOROZHNY, Vladimir: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data Intensive Sensor Networks (DISN'07). 2007
- HARA, Takahiro; ZADOROZHNY, Vladimir; BUCHMANN, Erik: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Sensor Network Technologies for Information Explosion Era (SeNTIE'09), 2009
- HARA, Takahiro; ZADOROZHNY, Vladimir; BUCHMANN, Erik: Wireless Sensor Network Technologies for the Information Explosion Era. In: Studies in Computational Intelligence, 278/2010
- BUCHMANN, Erik; TATBUL, Nesime; NASCIMENTO, Mario A.: Query Processing in Sensor Networks. In: Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal, 29/2011
One diploma thesis, one dissertation thesis, technical reports
- BUCHMANN, Erik: Konzeption und Implementierung eines Speichermanagers für ein konfigurierbares, leichtgewichtiges DBMS. Diplomarbeit, Februar 2002
- BUCHMANN, Erik: Erkennung und Vermeidung von unkooperativem Verhalten in Peer-to-Peer-Datenstrukturen. In: Dissertationsschrift, Fakultät für Informatik, Otto-von-Guericke- Universität Magdeburg, 2006
- BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: How Much do Digital Natives Disclose on the Internet - A Privacy Study In: Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics; 2012,15 ISSN: 2190-4782 (paper)
- BASALP, Nilgün; BISKUP, Joachim; BUCHMANN, Erik; CLIFTON, Chris; KUIJPERS, Bart; OTHMAN, Walied; SAVAS, Erkay: Privacy through Uncertainty in Location-Based Services. In: Mobility Data Mining and Privacy, Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 12331, 2012
- HEIDINGER, Clemens; BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; RICHTER, Kai: FACTS: A Framework for Anonymity towards Comparability, Transparency, and Sharing (Extended Version). In: Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics ; 2013,13 ISSN: 2190-4782 (paper)
- EFROS, Pavel; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: FRESCO: A Framework for the Energy Estimation of Computers (Extended Version). In: Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics; 2014,4 ISSN: 2190-4782 (paper)
- HOLLMIG, Gregor; HORNE, Matthias; LEIMKÜHLER, Simon; SCHÖLL, Frederik; STRUNK, Carsten; EFROS, Pavel; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: An Evaluation of Combinations of Lossy Compression and ChangeDetection Approaches. In: Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics (2015,9), 2015 (paper)
- Multidisciplinary Privacy Award of the 5th International Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP'12) at the European Privacy Day, Brussels (Belgium), Januar 2012. Awarded paper: "Tackling Compliance Deficits of Data-Protection Law with User Collaboration"
- Dissertationspreis der Fakultät für Informatik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2006
Recent Activities
- PC-Member of the Workshops and Conferences MDM'07, RoSOC-M'08, SeNTIE'08, DMIEW'09, RoSOC-M'09, ICE-B'09, DaWaK'09, WISM'09, MDM'10, RoSOC-M'10, KDD'10, ICE-B'10, UBICOMP'10, DMSN'10, DMIEW'10, BTW'11, Grundlagen von Datenbanken'11, SDM'11, SOTICS'11, TrustCom'11, AINA'12, DMWPC'12, CYBERLAWS'12, SENSORNETS'12, DATA ANALYTICS'12 SOTICS'12, TrustCom'12, Grundlagen von Datenbanken'12, BTW'12, DaWaK'12, EDBT'13, SENSORNETS'13, BTW'13, SOTICS'13, Grundlagen von Datenbanken'13, SENSORNETS'14, DaWaK'14, TrustCom'14, BTW'15, DBKDA'15, SOTICS'15, ECIS'15, DaWaK'15, TrustCom'15,
- Reviever for the Journals IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, ETRI, Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Kuwait Journal of Science, The Computer Journal, SENSORS Open Access Journal
- Co-Organizer of the Workshops DISN'07, SaI'08, SeNTIE'09, SeNTIE'10
- Guest Editor for Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal
- Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Personal Stuff (in German)
- Long, long years ago, i had the time to toy with semiconductors and microcontrollers. Here is a copy of my microcontroller-page which describes how to interface an Atmel 89Cx051, and how to connect peripherals like I2C bus devices, LC displays, stepper motors etc. Die Microcontroller-Seite (in German). Please note that the page is out of date. I do not have the time to update it, or to answer questions regarding microcontrollers.