
Dr.-Ing. Mirco Stern

  • Lehrstuhl
    Prof. K. Böhm

    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    Am Fasanengarten 5
    76131 Karlsruhe




  • Mirco Stern, Klemens Böhm und Erik Buchmann, “Processing Continuous Join Queries in Sensor Networks: a Filtering Approach“, In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD ’10), June 6 – 11, 2010, Indianapolis, IN, USA.




  • Mirco Stern, Erik Buchmann, und Klemens Böhm, "A Wavelet Transform for Efficient Consolidation of Sensor Relations with Quality Guarantees", In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2009), August 24 – 28, 2009 Lyon, France.
  • Mirco Stern, Erik Buchmann und Klemens Böhm, “Towards Efficient Processing of General-Purpose Joins in Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’09), March 29 - April 4, 2009, Shanghai, China.




  • Mirco Stern, Erik Buchmann und Klemens Böhm, “Where in the Sensor Network Should the Join Be Computed, After All?“, In Proceedings of Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery Workshop 2008 (UKD 08), September 19, 2008, Antwerp, Belgium.




  • Ulrich Küster, Birgitta König-Ries, Mirco Stern und Michael Klein, ”DIANE: an integrated approach to automated service discovery, matchmaking and composition”, In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on World Wide Web 2007 (WWW’07), May 8-12, 2007, Banff, Canada.
  • Ulrich Küster, Birgitta König-Ries, Michael Klein und Mirco Stern, ”DIANE - A Matchmaking-Centered Framework for Automated Service Discovery, Composition, Binding and Invocation on the Web”, In International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC), 12 (2), Special Issue: Semantic Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval on the Web. December 2007.
  • Mirco Stern, “Optimal Locations for Join Processing in Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data Intensive Sensor Networks 2007 (DISN'07), May 11, 2007, Mannheim, Germany.




  • Ulrich Küster, Birgitta König-Ries, Mirco Stern und Michael Klein, ”Achieving Multiple Effects - An Approach to Service Composition”, In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS06), Poster Session, December 2006, Zürich, Switzerland.




  • Ulrich Küster, Mirco Stern und Birgitta König-Ries, “A Classification of Issues and Approaches in Service Composition”, In Proceedings of the  First International Workshop on Engineering Service Compositions (WESC’05), December 2005,  Amsterdam, Netherlands.