Talks Prof. P. C. Lockemann 1992 - 1997
Publications Prof. P. C. Lockemann 1992 - 1997
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1999
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1998
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1997
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1996
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1995
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1999
- Christoffel, M. : A Trader for Services in a Scientific Literature Market Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Engineering Federated Information Systems (EFIS'99), S.123-130, 5.-7.5.1999, Kühlungsborn
- Nagi, K.; Lockemann, P. : An Implementation Model for Agents with Layered Architecture in a Transactional Database Environment Proceedings of the 1st International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS'99), 14.-15.6.1999, Heidelberg
- Gimbel, M. : Data Mining auf einer eng-gekoppelten Java-basierten Rechnerarchitektur, Proceedings des 2. GI-Workshops Data Mining und Data Warehousing , 27.-28.11.1999 , Magdeburg
- Lockemann, P. : Information Systems in Customer-Oriented, Dynamic Environments: The Marketplace as a Metaphor , Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS '99) , S.55-75, 14.-16.4.1999 , Poznan, Polen
- Gimbel, M.: Philippsen, M.; Haumacher, B.;Lockemann, P. C.; Tichy, W. F.; Java as a Basis for Parallel Data Mining in Workstation Clusters , Proceedings of the 7th International Conference High-Performance Computing and Networking Europe (HPCN '99) , Lecture Notes in Computer Science Nr.1593 , S.884-894 , 12.-14.4.1999 , Amsterdam Niederlande
- Pulkowski, S. : Making Information Sources Available for a New Market in an Electronic Commerce Environment , Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Information and Communication Technology (MICT '99) , S.60-82, 15.-16.9.1999 , Kopenhagen, Dänemark
- Schmitt, B. : METALICA: An Enhanced Meta Search Engine for Literature Catalogs , Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Digital Library Conference (ADL '99) , S.142-160, 8.-9.11.1999 , Taipeh, Taiwan
- Christoffel, M.; Pulkowski, P.; Schmitt, B.;Lockemann, P.; Schütte, C. : The UniCats Approach - New Management for Books in the Information Market , Proceedings of the International Conference IuK '99 - Dynamic Documents 1999 , S.36-43, 22.-24.3.1999 , Jena
- Nagi, K. : Transactional Agents: A Robust Approach for Scheduling Orders in a competitive Just-In-Time Manufacturing Environment , Proceedings of the Workshop on "Agententechnologie -Multiagentensysteme in der Informationslogistik und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Agenten-Konzeptionalisierung" (KI '99-MAS) , 13.-15.9.1999 , Bonn
- Kölsch, U.; Laschewski, J. : A Framework for Object-Oriented Reverse Engineering of Legacy Information Systems , International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Nr.1 Vol.9, S.27-54
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1999
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1998
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1997
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1996
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1995
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1998
- Aßmann, U.; Schmidt, R. : Concepts for Developing Component-based Systems , Proceedings of the ICSE98 Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering , 20.4.1998 , Kioto, Japan
- Kramer, R., Kölsch, U. : Data is the Core of Continuous Engineering , Continuous Engineering for Industrial Scale Software Systems , S.18-23 , 1.-3.3.1998 , Schloss Dagstuhl
- Hillebrand, G.; Krakowski, P.; Lockemann, P.C.; Posselt, D.: Integration-Based Cooperation in Concurrent Engineering , Proceedings of the Second International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop , S.344-355, 3.-5.11.1998 , San Diego, CA, USA
- König-Ries, B. : Semi-automatische Generierung von Mediatorspezifikationen , Proceedings of GI- Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" , S.67-71 , 2.-5.6.1998 , Konstanz
- Lang, S.M.; Lockemann, P. : Behaviorally Adaptive Objects , Theory and Practice of Object Systems , S.169-182 , 1998 Nr.4
- Schlösser, J.; Breitner, C. A. : Data Mining: Einordnung, Verfahren und Anwendungen , Data Marketing Zeitschrift für Data Warehouse und Data Mining , S.5-11, 1998 Nr.2
- Koschel, A.; Lockemann, P.C. : Distributed Events in Active Database Systems: Letting the Genie out of the Bottle , Journal of Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE) , S.11-28, 1998 Nr.25
- Christoffel, M.; Pulkowski, S.; Schmitt, B.; Lockemann, P. : Electronic Market: The Roadmap for University Libraries and Members to Survive in the Informations' Jungle , Sigmod Record (ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data): Special Section on Electronic Commerce , S.68-73, 1998 Nr.12
- Gatziu, S.; Koschel, A.; Bültzingsloewen, G. von, Fritschi, H. : Unbundling Active Functionality , ACM Sigmod Report , S.35-40, 1998 Nr.1/27
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1999
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1998
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1997
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1996
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1995
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1997
- Assmann, U.; Schmidt, R.: Towards a Model For Composed Extensible Components. Foundations of Component-Based Systems Workshop, Seite 23-30, Zürich, 24.09.1997.
- Breitner, C. A.Data Warehousing and OLAP: Delivering Just-In-Time Information for Decision Support. Proceedings of the 6th Intl. Workshop for Oeconometrics, Seite 18-30,6.4.1997 Karlsruhe.
- Breitner, C. A., Schlösser, J., Wirth, R.: Process-Based Database Support for the Early Indicator Method. Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Seite 4-11, 26.8.1997, Menlo Park, California.
- Breitner, C.; Lockemann, P.C.: Information modeling and management for efficient KDD-processes. Beiträge zum 10. Fachgruppentreffen Maschinelles Lernen der GI Fachgruppe 1.1.3. Seite 7-13, 18.7.1997, Universität Karlsruhe, Fakultät für Informatik.
- Bültzingsloewen, G. von; Koschel, A.; Kramer, R.: Poster on Accept Heterogeneity: An Event Monitoring Service for CORBA-based Heterogeneous Information Systems. Proc. 2nd IFCIS Conference on Cooperative. Seite 230, 24.-27.6.1997, South Carolina, USA.
- Grosse, A.; Hartroth, J.; Hillebrand, Kottmann, D.; G.; Krüger, G.; Lockemann, P.C.: SFB 346 - Integrationstechnologie als Innovationsmotor für Maschinenebauanwendungen. Seite 185-195, 27.9.1997, Aachen.
- Kölsch, U.: Poster: Reverse Engineering of Data Semantics of a VSAM File based Information System. Prod. 4th Workng Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE ´97). 6.-8.10.1997, Amsterdam.
- Kölsch, U.; Laschewski, J.: Objectifying Legacy Application Systems Using a Specification Language Framework. Proc. of the ICSE-19 Workshop Migration Strategies for Legacy Systems. Seite 1-6, Boston, USA.
- Kölsch, U.; Wallrath, M.: A Process Model for Controling and Performing Re-engineering. Proc. of the First Euromicro Conference on Software Maintena. Seite 20-23, 17.-19.3.1997, Berlin.
- Koschel, A.: CORBA-basierte aktive Regelverarbeitung und Klassifikation aktiver Funktionalität für Einsatzmöglichkeiten in Umweltinformationssystemen. 4. Tagung Wissensbasierte Systeme, XPS-97. Proc. 1. Workshop Wissensbasierte Systeme in Umweltanwendungen. 5.3.1997, Bad Honnef.
- Koschel, A.; Hoffmann, D.; Wipf, M.: Die Kombination von CORBA und JAVA für verteilte Client/Server-Anwendungen im Intranet/Internet. 7. Kolloquium Software-Entwicklung: Methoden, Werkzeuge, Erfahrungen´97. Seite 593-601, 24.2.1997, Technische Akademie Esslingen.
- Koschel, A.; Kramer, R.; Bültzingsloewen, G. von; Bleibel, Th.; Krumlinde, P.; Schmuck, S.; Weinand, C.: Configurable Active Functionality for CORBA. ECOOP´97 Workshop - CORBA: Implementation, Use and Evaluation. 10.6.1997, Jyväskylä, Finnland.
- Koschel, A.; Kramer, R.; Nikolai, R.; Lukacs, G.; Heinemeier, Th.: Data and Metadata Management in Distributed Environmental Information Systems. Environmental Software Systems, Band 2. Seite 144-151, 28.4.1997, Whistler, Kanada.
- Koschel, A.; Kramer, R.; Schöckle, M.; Schmidt, F.; Spandl, H.: Föderation heterogener Informationsquellen für Umweltinformationssysteme. Proc. 11th International Symposium Umweltinformatik´97. Seite 284-295, 11.9.1997, Straßburg, Frankreich.
- Koschel, A.; Kramer, R.; Nikolai, R.; Rolker, C.: Tutorial: Base Technologies for Distributed Environmental Information Systems. Proc. 11th International Symposium Umweltinformatik´97. Seite 746-753, 11.9.1997, Straßburg, Frankreich.
- Kramer, R.: Databases on the Web: Technologies for Federation Architectures and Case Studies. Proc. ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Band 26. Seite 503-506, 13.-15.5.1997, Tuscon, USA.
- Kramer, R.; Koschel, A.: Tutorial: Base Technologies for Distributed Environmental Information Systems. Environmental Software Systems, Band 2. Seite 353-356, 18.4.-1.5.1997, Whistler, Kanada.
- Kramer, R.; Nikolai, R.; Rolker, C.; Bjarnason, S.; Jensen, S.: Interoperability Issues of the European Catalogue of Data Sources (CDS). Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Metadata Conference. 16.-17.9.1997, Silver Spring, USA.
- Lockemann, P. C.; Kölsch, U.; Koschel, A.; Kramer, R.; Nikolai, R.; Wallrath, M.; Walter, H.-D.: The Network as a Global Database: Challenges of Interoperability, Proactivity, Interactiveness, Legacy. Proceedings of the Twenty-third International Conference on Very Large Data Bases. Seite 567-574, 26.-29.8.1997, Athen, Griechenland.
- Nikolai, R.; Koschel, A.; Kramer, R.: Automating metadata updates exemplified by the environmental data catalogue UDK. 8th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD´97). Seite 54-67, 18.-20.12.1997, Chennai (Madras), Indien.
- Nikolai, R.; Koschel, A.; Kramer, R.; Sattler, Th.: Automatisierung der Metadatenaktualisierung am Beispiel des Umweltdatenkatalogs UDK. 5. Workshop des Arbeitskreises Umweltdatenbanken. 11.-13.5.1997, Insel Vilm.
- Reck, C.: Poster on Transparent Access to a Network of Information Sources and Service Providers via a Universal Relation. Proceedings of the Second IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems. 24.-27.6.1997, South Carolina, USA.
- Reck, C.; König-Ries, B.: An Architecture for Transparent Access to Semantically Heterogeneous Information Sources. Proc. of First International Workshop on Cooperative. Seite 260-271, 26.-28.2.1997, Kiel.
- Schmidt, R.: Component-based systems, composite applications and workflow-management. Foundations of Component-Based Systems Workshop. Seite 206-214, 25.9.1997, Zürich, Schweiz.
- Schmidt, R.: Workflowunterstützung auf der Basis von ActiveX und JavaBeans. 7. Kolloquium Software-Entwicklung: Methoden, Werkzeuge, Erfahrungen´97. Seite 849-860, 24.9.1997, Technische Akademie Esslingen.
- Sturm, R.; Mülle, J. A.; Lockemann, P. C.: Collision of Constrained Work Spaces: A Uniform Concept for Design Interactions. Proc. Second Int. IFCIS Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS-97). Seite 25-35, 24.-27.6.1997, South Carolina, USA.
- Wirth, R.; Shearer, C.; Grimmer, U.; Reinartz, T. P.; Schlössser, J.; Breitner, C. A.; Engels, R.; Lindner, G.: Towards Process-Oriented Tool Support for KDD. Proceedings of the First European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Springer Verlag, 24.-26.6.1997, Trondheim, Norwegen.
- Breitner, C. A.; Herzog, U.; Schlösser, J.: Die DB-Szene hat sich schlagartig verändert. Computerwoche (Sonderheft Focus), Band 2. Seite 12-14, 1997.
- König-Ries, B.; Lockemann, P. C.: Research in Databases and Data-Intensive Applications-Computer Science Dept. and FZI, University of Karlsruhe. ACM SIGMOD Record, Band 3. Seite 67-72, 1997.
- Kramer, R.; Nikolai, R.; Habeck, C.: Thesaurus Federations: Loosely Integrated Thesauri for Document Retrieval in Networks based on Internet Technologies. International Journal On Digital Library, Special Issue on Metadata for Digital Libraries, Band 2. Seite 122-129, 1997.
- Kramer, R.; Nikolai, R.; Koschel, A.; Rolker, C.; Lockemann, P. C.; Keitel, A.; Legat, R. ; Zirm, K. WWW-UDK: A Web-based Environmental Metainformation System. ACM SIGMOD Record, Band 2. 1997.
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1999
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1998
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1997
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1996
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1995
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1996
- C.A. Breitner and U. Herzog. Abhängigkeit von der IT-Abteilung aufgehoben: Data Warehouse als Schlüssel zur Bewältigung der Informationsflut. Computerwoche (Sonderheft Extra), (1), February 1996. In German.
- C.A. Breitner and U. Herzog. Data-Warehouse als Schlüssel zur Bewältigung der Informationsflut. Computerwoche (Sonderheft EXTRA), (7):16-19, 1996.
- O. Ciupke, D. Kottmann, and H.-D. Walter. Object migration in non-monolithic distributed applications. In 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Hong Kong. 1996.
- Oliver Ciupke and Rainer Schmidt. Components as context-independent software units. In ECOOP'96 Workshop: Component-oriented Programming (WCOP 96), 10th European Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming, Linz, Austria, 1996.
- P. Kanellakis and G. Hillebrand. On the Expressive Power of Simply Typed and Let-Polymorphic Lambda Calculi. In Proceedings of the Eleventh IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 253-263, 1996.
- Arne Koschel and Ralf Kramer. Complex Situation Monitoring in a CORBA- and WWW-based Federation Architecture for Heterogenous Information Systems. In W. Hasselbring, editor, Kurzfassungen zum 2. Workshop `Föderierte Datenbanken'', volume 90 of Software-Technik Memo, pages 35-43, Universität Dortmund, Germany, December 1996. Lehrstuhl Software-Technologie, Universität Dortmund.
- Arne Koschel, Ralf Kramer, Ralf Nikolai, Wilhelm Hagg, and Joachim Wiesel. A Federation Architecture for an Environmental Informaton System incorporating GIS, the World-Wide Web, and CORBA. In Third International Conf./Workshop Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, January 1996. National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA).
- Arne Koschel, Ralf Kramer, Horst Spandl, Günter v. Bültzingsloewen, and Dietmar Theobald. Einsatzmöglichkeiten von CORBA in Umweltinformationssystemen. In Proceedings Object World 96, page ID.10, Frankfurt, Germany, October 1996. LogOn, Frankfurt, Object Management Group, USA.
- Arne Koschel, Ralf Kramer, Dietmar Theobald, Günter v. Bültzingsloewen, Willhelm Hagg, Joachim Wiesel, and Manfred Müller. Evaluierung und Einsatzbeispiele von CORBA-Implementierungen für Umweltinformationssysteme. In Proc. 10th International Symposium Umweltinformatik'96, pages 190-200, Hannover, Germany, 1996.
- Arne Koschel, Ralf Kramer, Dietmar Theobald, and Günter v. Bültzingsloewen. Evaluation and Application of CORBA Implementations. In ECOOP'96 Workshop: Putting Distributed Objects to Work, 10th European Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming, Linz, Austria, 1996.
- Arne Koschel and Philipp Leibfried. Experiences with the CORBA-Implementation DSOM. In Proc. International Conf. on Distributed Platforms, ICDP'96, Industrial Stream, pages 120-132, Dresden, Germany, 1996. IFIP, IEEE.
- Ralf Kramer and Ralf Nikolai. Accessing Multilingual, Heterogeneous Data Sources in Wide Area Networks - Requirements and Approach. In Henning Christiansen, Henrik Legind Larsen, and Troels Andreasen, editors, Flexible Query-Answering Systems, Proceedings of the 1996 workshop (FQAS'96), pages 255 - 264, Roskilde, Denmark, May 1996. Roskilde Universitetscenter.
- Ralf Kramer, Ralf Nikolai, Andree Keitel, Rudolf Legat, and Konrad Zirm. Enhancing the Environmental Data Catalogue UDK for the World-Wide Web. In Proc. 10th International Symposium Umweltinformatik'96, pages 59-68, Hannover, Germany, 1996.
- Ralf Kramer, Ralf Nikolai, and Claudia Rolker. World-Wide Web Access to CDS: Software Design and Demonstration of First Prototype. In Proc. 3rd Workshop on Catalogue of Data Sources (CDS) and Thesaurus, pages 81-91, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996. European Environment Agency, European Topic Center on Catalogue of Data Sources.
- Ralf Kramer, Ralf Nikolai, and Horst Spandl. Umweltdaten im Internet: Aufbau eines öffentlichen WWW-Servers. In Proc. EMISA Fachgruppentreffen 1996, pages 15-19, Aachen, October 1996. GI-Fachgruppe "Entwicklungsmethoden für Informationssysteme und deren Anwendung''. erschienen in: EMISA FORUM, Heft 1, 1997.
- Ralf Kramer and Horst Spandl. Making the Environmental Data Catalogue (UDK) and other Databases Available on the World-Wide Web. In Workshop: Internet for Environmental Communication, pages 77-82, Vienna, Austria, 1996.
- U. Kölsch and M. Wallrath. Ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz zum Reengineering: Methode, Prozeß, Werkzeug. In Franz Lehner, editor, Softwarewartung und Reengineering: Erfahrungen und Entwicklungen, Gabler Edition Wissenschaft: Information Engineering und IV-Controlling, pages 297-307, Regensburg, Germany, March 1996. GI, Fachgruppe 5.1.3, Dt. Univ.-Verl.; Wiesbaden: Gabler. Proceedings der gleichnamigen GI-Fachtagung.
- DARE Projektteam. Datenorientierte Analyse und Restrukturierung von Altsoftware. In U. Grote and G. Wolf, editors, Softwaretechnologie: Statusseminar des BMBF, pages 217-236, Berlin, March 1996. Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
- Günter v. Bültzingsloewen, Arne Koschel, and Ralf Kramer. Active Information Delivery in a CORBA-based Distributed Information System. In Karl Aberer and Abdelsalam Helal, editors, Proc. First IFCIS International Conf. on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'96), pages 218-227, Brussels, Belgium, June 1996. IFCIS, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California.
- Joachim Wiesel, Wilhelm Hagg, Arne Koschel, Ralf Kramer, and Ralf Nikolai. A Client/Server Map Visualization Component for an Environmental Information System based on WWW. In XVIII ISPRS-Congress, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission II, Presented Paper, pages 402-407, Vienna, Austria, July 1996.
- Sonja Zwißler. Ein authentisches DLP-basiertes Schlüsselaustauschprotokoll. In Patrick Horster, editor, Digitale Signaturen - Grundlagen, Realisierungen, Rechtliche Aspekte, Anwendungen, DuD Fachbeiträge, pages 183-192, Darmstadt, Germany, 1996. Vieweg.

Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1999
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1998
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1997
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1996
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1995
Contributions to Journals and Proceedings 1995
- Birgitta König-Ries. Using an Extension of WWW as an Interface to an Information Sharing System. In Workshop Interactive and Distributed Multi-Media Systems and High-Speed Networks, Darmstadt, Germany, 1995.
- Karol Abramowicz, Birgit Boss, Volkmar Hovestadt, Jutta Mülle, Rose Sturm, and Peter C. Lockemann. Konsistenzüberwachung in objektorientierten Datenbanksystemen - Eine Anforderungsanalyse anhand der Entwurfsbereiche Architektur und Schiffbau. In G. Lausen, editor, Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW'95), Informatik Aktuell, pages 302-321, Dresden, March 1995. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Birgit Boss. Handling Vague Design Constraints in a Design Environment. In Luciano Faria, editor, Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Concurrent/Simultaneous Engineering Frameworks and Applications, pages 321-332, Lisboa, Portugal, April 1995. Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon) with the cooperation of the partners of JESSI-COMMON-FRAME and CONSENS projects under the patronage of: European Commission Industry - DGIII. JCF/FZI/043-1/28-Feb-95.
- Christoph Breitner, Uwe Herzog, and Stefan Lang. Auf dem Weg zum multimedialen Verwaltungsbüro. Computerwoche (Sonderheft EXTRA), pages 4-7, August 1995.
- Christoph Breitner, Axel Freyberg, and Andreas Schmidt. Towards a Flexible and Integrated Environment for Knowledge Discovery. In Knowledge Discovery and Temporal Reasoning in Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, pages 28-35, National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore, 1995. Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, National University of Singapore.
- Günter von Bültzingsloewen. Applied Framework Research in JCF. In Luciano Faria, editor, Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Concurrent/Simultaneous Engineering Frameworks and Applications, pages 151-156, Lisboa, Portugal, April 1995. Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon) with the cooperation of the partners of JESSI-COMMON-FRAME and CONSENS projects under the patronage of: European Commission Industry - DGIII. JCF/FZI/047-1/28-Feb-95.
- Günter von Bültzingsloewen. CORBA Based Interoperability of Tools and Services in Engineering Environments. In Luciano Faria, editor, Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Concurrent/Simultaneous Engineering Frameworks and Applications, pages 361-373, Lisboa, Portugal, April 1995. Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon) with the cooperation of the partners of JESSI-COMMON-FRAME and CONSENS projects under the patronage of: European Commission Industry - DGIII. JCF/FZI/049-1/28-Feb-95.
- Uwe Herzog and Stefan Lang. Eine Technologie im Wandel -- Bestandsaufnahme und Trends im Bereich Datenbanken. Computerwoche (Sonderheft FOKUS), pages 4-7, May 1995.
- Uwe Herzog and Ralf Schaarschmidt. Parallel execution of integrity constraint checks. In N. Pisinou, A. Silberschatz, E.K. Park, and K. Makki, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'95), pages 82-89, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 1995. ACM PRESS.
- Uwe Herzog and Jörg Schlösser. Global optimization and parallelization of integrity constraint checks. In S. Chaudhuri, A. Deshpande, and R. Krishnamurthy, editors, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD'95), pages 186-205, Pune, India, December 1995. Tata McGraw-Hill.
- Christoph Kilger and A. Zachmann. Objektorientierung | Der Schlüssel für die integrierte Konstruktion und Fertigung? In Tagungsband des Workshops Innovative Produktentwicklung, pages 79-105, Karlsruhe, 1995. SFB 346.
- Arne Koschel and Philipp Leibfried. Die CORBA-Architektur in der Anwendung. In H.J. Scheibl, editor, 6. Kolloquium Software-Entwicklung: Methoden, Werkzeuge, Erfahrungen'95, pages 55-64. Technische Akademie Esslingen, September 1995.
- Arne Koschel and Mechtild Wallrath. Ist die Zukunft der Datenbanken objektorientiert? EDM REPORT, (2):62-71, September 1995. CAD-CAM-REPORT Sonderausgabe.
- Christoph Kilger, Peter C. Lockemann, Hans-Dirk Walter, and Andreas Zachmann. Integrierter Objektbankentwurf in der Produktmodellierung. Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, 37(5):39-46, October 1995.
- Epamindos Kapetanios and Ralf Kramer. A Knowledge-Based System Approach for Scientific Data Analysis and the Notion of Metadata. In Proceedings 15th IEEE International Symposium on Mass Storage Systems, Monterey, California, USA, September 1995. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Ralf Kramer. Unscharfe Anfragen an eine Grenzwert-Datenbank - Software-Architektur, Anfragebearbeitung und Leistungsoptimierung -. In G. Lausen, editor, Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft; GI-Fachtagung, Dresden, 22.-24. März 1995, Informatik aktuell, pages 393-402. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, March 1995.
- Ralf Kramer and Tom Quellenberg. Global access to environmental information. In International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems (ISESS 1995), PennState Great Valley, Malvern, PA, USA, June 1995. Conference Preprints.
- Ralf Kramer and Horst Spandl. Metadatenzugriff in Weitverkehrsnetzen: Eine Realisierung am Beispiel des Umweltdatenkatalogs UDK. In F. Huber-Wäschle, H. Schauer, and P. Widmayer, editors, Herausforderungen eines globalen Informationsverbundes für die Informatik; 25. GI-Jahrestagung und 13. Schweizer Informatikertag, Zürich, 18.-20. September 1995/GISI 95, Informatik Aktuell, pages 610-617. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, September 1995.
- Ralf Kramer. Scharfe Grenzwerte unscharf angefragt: erweiterte Datenbankfunktionalität zur Grenzwertsuche. In H. Kremers and W. Pillmann, editors, Raum und Zeit in Umweltinformationssystemen; Space and Time in Environmental Information Systems; 9th International Symposium Computer Science for Environmental Protection CSEP'95, Umwelt-Informatik Aktuell, pages 733-740, Marburg, 1995. Metropolis.
- Ralf Kramer. CDS, Thesauri, and the World-Wide Web: Experiences, Requirements, and Propositions. In First International Workshop Catalogue of Data Sources (CDS) and Thesaurus - User Experiences with Environment Thesauri in CDS, pages 14-15, Vienna, Austria, November 1995. European Topic Centre on Catalogue of Data Sources and Thesaurus (EEA/ETC CDS&T) of the European Environment Agency.
- Ralf Kramer and M. Morlock. Scheduling parallel database queries using heuristics for 2-dimensional packing and cutting problems. In Symposium über Operations Research (SOR'95). DGOR, GMÖOR and ÖGOR, September 1995.
- Peter C. Lockemann, Jutta Mülle, Rose Sturm, and Volkmar Hovestadt. Modeling and integrating design data from experts in a CAAD environment. In Product and Process Modelling in the Building Industry, pages 29-34. A.A.Balkema, 1995.
- Peter C. Lockemann, Rose Sturm, Jutta Mülle, and Volkmar Hovestadt. Area-dependent constraints for design control in a CAAD environment. In P. J. Pahl and H. Werner, editors, Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, pages 755-762. A.A. BALKEMA/Rotterdam/Brookfield, July 1995.
- Peter C. Lockemann and Christoph Kilger. Von der Modell- und Systemvielfalt zum integrierten Produkt-/Produktionsmodell. In Tagungsband des Workshops Innovative Produktentwicklung, pages 25-37, Karlsruhe, 1995. SFB 346.
- P. C. Lockemann and H.-D. Walter. Object-Oriented Protocol Hierarchies for Distributed Workflow Systems. Theory and Practice of Object Systems (TAPOS), 1(4), 1995.
- Tom Quellenberg, Jürgen Schubert, and Günter von Bültzingsloewen. Cooperation between Design and Production using a new Flow Management for the JESSI-COMMON-Framework. In Luciano Faria, editor, Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Concurrent/Simultaneous Engineering Frameworks and Applications, pages 425-432, Lisboa, Portugal, April 1995. Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon) with the cooperation of the partners of JESSI-COMMON-FRAME and CONSENS projects under the patronage of: European Commission Industry - DGIII. JCF/FZI/050-1/28-Feb-95.
- Hartmut Schreiber. Benchmarking Structure Preservation and Multi-User Behavior of Object-Oriented Database Systems. In OOPSLA 95 Workshop on Object Database Behavior, Benchmarks, And Performance, Austin, TX, October 1995.
- Rose Sturm, Jutta Mülle, and Peter C. Lockemann. Temporized and localized rule sets. In T. Sellis, editor, Rules in Database Systems, pages 131-146. Second International Workshop, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, September 1995.