• Contact: H. Schepperle

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Since July 2005 the INIT Innovative Informatikanwendungen in Transport-, Verkehrs- und Leitsystemen GmbH and the IPD cooperate in the project DAMAST (Driver Assistance using Multi-Agent Systems in Traffic). It is the goal of DAMAST to explore the potential of vehicle-bound agent technology in road traffic.
The growing need of mobility has lead to a steadily increasing traffic volume. Although the growth came from good transport sector recently also the private transport sector suffers from congestion of traffic routes and junctions. For example every driver knows the situation of waiting at a traffic light for several green phases or unnecessarily long at a red traffic light although no vehicles arrive from other directions.
In DAMAST we explore if and how such situations can be improved using intelligent driver assistance systems which use software agent technology. We aim for benefits both for society and for individuals, e. g. by increasing the throughput and minimizing the travel time for the same time. The scenario of DAMAST consists of an intersection where no traffic lights are needed because the vehicles agree on the order of passing the intersection.