Adaptive Workflow Support in Dynamic Heterogeneous Application Areas


In business process management adaptation to new requirements in the application area becomes more and more important. There is a special need,  because existing workflow management systems not yet adequately support change and adaption, and because in the world wide web new applications are coming up with strong requirements in adaptation of processes. An example is to cooperatively collect information for conference proceedings  and other conference material. A huge number of participants in different roles are cooperating on the internet. Tools for content management are mainly dedicated to design and manage web sites and are therefore very popular. Content management has many relationships to process management, but are specially aimed for processes managing and publishing content. Furthermore, the cotent and the related processes are under strict control of the web content management system (WCMS). Our research interests concern adapting those processes to changes during the life cycle and due to new application contexts, as, e.g., another conference, and applying workflow technology as well as WCMS technology - potentially in combination. First results are yielding a practically used system for collecting material and issuing Conference Proceedings for the prestigeous Conference on Very Large Databases in 2005. Current work transfers this system on top of a commercial WCMS and analyze the possibilities to support adaptations. Comparing with implementations with workflow management systems will be further work. Our main focus lies on the modelling process and the usage of process knowledge for adaptations as well as on better user support in adapting processes, e.g., by automating the effects of process adaptations  on the application and the web user interface.